Scribble in Pale Gray Wallpaper
Designer: Smith Reynolds
Photographer: Mike Small
Gridded Ikat Bench Cushion
Dotted Leaves in Gray-Lilac Wallpaper
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Speckled in Navy Upholstery
Arches Wallpaper in Parchment, Grass and Marble Geode in Pale Marine Upholstery, and Evil Eye in White Pillow
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Dotted Leaves in Gray-Lilac Wallpaper
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Dot Dash in Gray-Taupe Upholstery
Oceanwave in Taupe Wallpaper and Striped Garden in Taupe Bench Seat
Oceanwave in Taupe Wallpaper and Striped Garden in Taupe Curtains and Bench Seat
Sashiko Wave Upholstery
Sashiko Wave Upholstery
Dashes in Tangerine Roman Shade
Dashes in Gray Wallpaper
Designer: Lynn Tanger
Photographer: Jenn Verrier
Dashes in Gray Wallpaper
Designer: Mindy Gayer
Photographer: Vanessa Lentine
Dashes in Gray Wallpaper and Marble Geode in Pale Marine Roman Shade
Designer: Julieta Alvarez
Mixed Stripe in Blue-Slate Wallpaper
Designer: Lynn Tanger
Photographer: Jenn Verrier
Sun and Moon in Dennis Green Pillow
Designer: Liz Caan
Marble in Ocean Wallpaper
Leaves in Ice/Marine and Dot Dash in Gray-Taupe Pillows
Lattice in Grass Chair Upholstery, Horizon in Field Ottoman Upholstery, Gridded Ikat in Dennis Green Pillow and Arches Wallpaper in Parchment
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Marble Fern in Gray Wallpaper
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Dashes in Gray Wallpaper
Designer: Mindy Gayer
Photographer: Vanessa Lentine
Hills Fabric in Gray-Wood Roman Shade and Painted Dot in Parchment/Ink Wallpaper
Designer: Flatiron27
Photographer: Joshua McHugh Photography
Arches Wallpaper in Parchment, Grass and Marble Geode in Pale Marine Upholstery, and Evil Eye in White Pillow
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Arches Wallpaper in Parchment, Grass and Marble Geode in Pale Marine Upholstery, and Evil Eye in White Pillow
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Floral Ikat in Charcoal/Green Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Tidal Wave in Sea Blues Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Cut Up Dot in Taupe Upholstery
Cut Up Dot in Taupe Upholstery
Gridded Ikat Curtains in Pale Blush
Striped Garden in Taupe Curtains
Striped Garden in Taupe Curtains
Gridded Ikat Curtains in Pale Blush
Gridded Ikat Curtains in Blue Pink
Gridded Ikat Curtains in Blue Pink
Marble in Smoke Pillow
Designer: Vanessa Rome
Marble in Smoke Pillows
Designer: Vanessa Rome
Gridded Ikat Curtains in Pale Blush
Striped Moon in Taupe/Black Curtains
Photographer: Sen Creative Co.
Linear Cloud in Blue-Slate Wallpaper
Photographer: Sen Creative Co.
Linear Cloud in Blue-Slate Wallpaper
Photographer: Sen Creative Co.
Tidal Wave in Sea Blues Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Tidal Wave in Sea Blues Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Striped Moon in Taupe/Black Roman Shades
Photographer: Sen Creative Co.
Tidal Wave in Sea Blues Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Tidal Wave in Sea Blues and Floral Ikat in Charcoal/Green Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Tidal Wave in Sea Blues and Floral Ikat in Charcoal/Green Upholstery
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo
Striped Moon in Taupe/Black Roman Shades
Photographer: Sen Creative Co.
Striped Moon in Taupe/Black Roman Shades
Photographer: Sen Creative Co.
Grass in Black/Natural Upholstery and Striped Garden in Taupe Pillows
Photographer: Genevieve Garruppo